
Cooperative Education

What is cooperative education?

  • Cooperative Education (co-op) gives students the opportunity for hands on experience in a career they may choose to pursue in their future.
  • Co-op allows students to earn high school credits by integrated course curriculum with learning on a work placement.
  • A co-op placement in a skilled trade is referred to as a Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program (OYAP) placement.

Who can participate?

Grade 11 or 12 students in all pathways – apprenticeship, college, community, university, or workplace can participate in a 2 or 4 credit co-op placement.


  • Gain workplace experience.
  • Develop employability skills and work habits.
  • Hands-on learning in a safe and encouraging environment in a trade or career of choice.
  • Pursue a work placement based on student interests and explore a possible career.
  • Connect and build relationships with potential future employers.
  • Helps students make informed decisions about future work, careers and education.
  • Earn credits toward their Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD).
  • Earn co-op credits at a paid job during night school or summer school co-op.

For additional information:

Fenelon Falls Secondary School cooperative education information


Students can sign up to take co-op in their Grade 11 or 12 year of high school. Co-op credits can be Period 2 (alternating morning or afternoon) or Period 4 (all day). Students are expected to complete 110 hours/per credit. Students will attend pre-placement education for the first few weeks of the semester in the Library. They will then go out into their co-op for the remainder of the semester. Students will meet once a month for Integration Days to work with their co-op teacher.

Co-op and apprenticeships

Some students are able to sign a Registered Trade Agreement with their co-op employer, which allows students to use the hours they earn in their placement towards their apprenticeship for their future.

Dual Credits

Dual credit logo

What are Dual Credit programs?

  • College courses offered to senior high school students in academic and trades programs.
  • Students can earn up to four optional credits through dual credits courses to help them earn their Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD).
  • “Dual” refers to the course recorded on both the high school transcript and college transcript.
  • Students sample college work in new learning environments.

Who can participate?

  • Grade 11 or 12.
  • College capable.
  • In specialized programs including, Specialist High Skills Majors (SHSM) and Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program (OYAP). Students who want to explore career paths and experience college.
  • Want to explore careers and experience college.


  • Try out college with the support of a high school teacher
  • Support a transition to college or apprenticeship programs.
  • May earn certification and support SHSM requirements.
  • Get a head start on post-secondary education.
  • Increased awareness of post-secondary pathways and careers.

For additional information

Fenelon Falls Secondary School dual credit information

Students enrolled in Dual Credits will go to the local college one day a week, all day, for approximately nine weeks. 

To see the course offerings at FFSS for this season, please reach out to your Guidance counsellor.

Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program


What is OYAP?

  • OYAP is a school-to-work program for students to explore apprenticeship careers after they have completed Grade 10, through the cooperative education program.
  • Students can become registered apprentices and begin to work towards becoming certified journeypersons in a skilled trade while completing their secondary school diplomas.
  • OYAP participants → students in co-op placements in the skilled trades.
  • OYAP registered apprentices → students with signed registered training agreement (r.t.a.’s), who have officially started their apprenticeships.
  • OYAP Level 1 accelerated → students selected to participate in the first level of trade school while in their final year of high school. 

Who can participate?

  • Students must be at least 15 years of age (some workplaces have a minimum age requirement of 16).
  • Students must have completed 14 credits.
  • Students must be working towards the completion of all OSSD requirements.



  • Start a career in the skilled trades while still in high school.
  • Gain employability skills and a network with businesses.
  • Acquire hours and skills toward the apprenticeship.
  • Participate in a hands-on learning experience and application of classroom theory to the workplace.
  • Increase awareness of workplace demands, skills, and needs.


  • Increase employer exposure within the community.
  • Access new employees at no cost.
  • Help build a skilled workforce and promote youth retention in the community.
  • Develop leadership and supervisory skills in employees.

For additional information:

Fenelon Falls Secondary School OYAP information

Students who are interested in Accelerated OYAP must select it as part of their course selections in their Grade 11 year. The co-op teacher will walk the students through the application process in the spring of their Grade 11 year. Students must attend an interview and present a portfolio to be considered for the program.

Overview of program

  • Students may only take Accelerated OYAP in the second semester of their Grade 12 year.
  • As a part of the program, students will participate in their Level 1 schooling for an apprenticeship at Durham College or Fleming College in Semester 2 of Grade 12 (usually one to two days a week)
  • On the remaining day of the week they will complete a co-op placement in the related field

TLDSB offers OYAP in the following areas:

  • Plumber
  • Welder
  • General carpenter
  • Chef
  • Electrician
  • Industrial machine Mechanic/millwright
  • Hairstylist
  • Automotive service tech

For more information, please reach out to your Guidance counsellor.

Specialist High Skills Majors (SHSM)

What are SHSM programs?

  • SHSM programs allow students to focus their learning on a specific sector.
  • All include specific courses, cooperative education placement, certifications, and industry specific opportunities.
  • Students graduate with a SHSM Seal and formal recognition on their OSSD.

Who can participate?

  • Students in grade 11 or 12 can begin working on SHSM components
  • Students in all pathways: apprenticeship, college, university, workplace.


  • Explore career goals and make decisions about their future.
  • Students will customize their secondary school education to suit their interests and talents, and develop specialized knowledge and skills.
  • Take high school courses that match their interest and strengths.
  • Develop specialized knowledge and skills.
  • Gain work experience though co-op.
  • Participate in industry training that is recognized by post-secondary educational institutions and sector.
  • Free learning opportunities!

For additional information

Fenelon Falls Secondary School SHSM information

At FFSS, we offer three (SHSM) sectors: transportation, construction and information communication technology (ICT). If you are entering Grade 11 or 12 and you are interested in enrolling in our SHSM programs, please fill out the TLDSB SHSM Application Form.

All SHSM sector students will need to complete a variety of mandatory certifications. These are delivered through specific tech classes and co-op. These certification offerings are free to students enrolled in the SHSM program.

Construction – First Aid, CPR, WHMIS, Basic Health and Safety Training, Working at Heights, and two other construction specific certifications delivered through tech class or co-op.

Transportation – First Aid, CPR, WHMIS, Basic Health and Safety Training, and three other transportation specific certifications delivered through tech class or co-op.

Information Communication Technology – First Aid, CPR, WHMIS, and three other ICT specific certifications delivered through tech class or co-op.

Below are the course bundles required for SHSM, as well as the free certifications that students will need to complete if they wish to graduate with their SHSM designation:

Contact us

If you have any questions, please contact your local school or email the Board office at

Follow us on social media:

Twitter: @TLDSB_Pathways
Facebook: @TLDSBPathways
Instagram: tldsb.pathways

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School Schedule
Period 1
8:10 – 9:25 a.m.
Period 2
9:35 – 10:50 a.m.
10:50 – 11:40 a.m.
Period 3
11:40 a.m. – 12:55 p.m.
Period 4
1:05 – 2:20 p.m.
School Tumblr Schedule
Period 1
Period 2
Period 3
Period 4
Block A
Block B
Block C
Block D
Block D
Block C
Block B
Block A
Block B
Block A
Block D
Block C
Block C
Block D
Block A
Block B

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