
Mission statement

Our Library lies at the heart of our school. It is a place of learning that is dynamic, comfortable, and supportive.

We exist to support the learning of staff and students, and we work continually to improve our collection and our resources to provide the most effective level of support possible.

Our team

To email one of our teacher librarians, please click on the email in the listing below. This will open a new email composition.

Mr. Mann
Teacher librarian
Phone: 705-887-2018 extension 32244

Ms. Sims
Teacher librarian
Phone: 705-887-2018 extension 32244

Visiting the library

The Library should be a welcoming environment that encourages quality staff and student use. All patrons are expected to work being respectful of the uniqueness of the Library environment.

To ensure an effective atmosphere, students having difficulty demonstrating a proper respect for Library culture will be asked to leave.

Class visits

Normally, a class visit to the Library is booked in advance by your teacher. Your teacher will likely want you to sit in a designated area, as they will likely want to speak with you as a group at the beginning and at the end of your Library period.

Students on spare

The Library is a great destination for students on spare! Whether you are looking to relax and decompress on one of our comfy chairs, or you need to knuckle down and get some serious work done to meet that upcoming deadline…we have a place for you!

Senior students are reminded that they set the example for our younger students and they will be held to that high standard accordingly! Be sure to sit away from visiting classes and select a learning zone that suits the purpose of your visit. Senior students are expected to demonstrate respect for Library culture and model appropriate behaviour.

Learning zones

Red zone

Sitting in a red zone tells everyone that you are looking for silent study.

Yellow zone

Yellow zones are located everywhere else in the Library. Quiet conversation and collaboration are acceptable in these areas, but no other Library patrons should be able to hear what you are talking about!

Green zone

The library is a place of learning. If you are looking to openly socialize then the green zone is the place for you! The green zone is located in the cafeteria.


Fiction books are organized into three different sections: contemporary fiction and classic fiction are located on the brick wall to the left of the Library. Here you will find books for older readers, as well as timeless classics, all shelved alphabetically according to the author’s last name.

Popular books are located on portable shelves, which are organized into five different Genres. Colour-coded popular book signs hanging above these shelves will help you locate the section you are looking for. Within each section, books are shelved according to the author’s last name.

Non-fiction books are located along the perimeter walls according to the dewey decimal system and the author’s last name.

Please see the Library floor plan for a full layout of the space.

Book searches

If you would rather not randomly search our shelves for a great book, we have some excellent search engines to help you find what you are looking for!

If you need assistance, don’t be afraid to ask your friendly librarian!

Information technology

Did you know that students are able to sign out:

  • Daily loan Chromebooks and chargers
  • Laptops
  • Headphones
  • Computer mice
  • And more!

…we also offer traditional student resources, such as a printer/photocopier, staplers, hole punches, pens/pencils, and extra paper!

Drop by and ask a librarian how we can assist you in getting your work done!

Other resources

Online research

Essay writing

Find it Fast


School calendar

Safe @ School

Report form


School registration




Transportation info.

School Schedule
Period 1
8:10 – 9:25 a.m.
Period 2
9:35 – 10:50 a.m.
10:50 – 11:40 a.m.
Period 3
11:40 a.m. – 12:55 p.m.
Period 4
1:05 – 2:20 p.m.
School Tumblr Schedule
Period 1
Period 2
Period 3
Period 4
Block A
Block B
Block C
Block D
Block D
Block C
Block B
Block A
Block B
Block A
Block D
Block C
Block C
Block D
Block A
Block B

School Websites